Friday, March 28, 2008

The Friday Presidential Race ‘BushWhack’ing

Computer connectivity issues this morning, but here is your (late) Presidential Race BushWhack…

  • News that sends a shiver down my spine was reported this week as a new poll shows that if Sen. Obama wins the Democratic nomination, a lot of Clinton backers would vote for McBush… the reverse is also true, and to that I say; NO!!!! God damnit, no! As I said earlier this week, we as Democrats can NOT allow that to happen. Never has it ever been more important to vote your party than it will be for this election, for if we Sen. McBush gets into the White House, we’ll instantly have 4 more years of a Bush-style presidency… 4 more years in Iraq, 4 more years of economic crap, 4 more years of ignoring the Constitution and 4 more years of HELL. As much as I dislike Ms. Clinton right now for her actions, if she gets the nomination, I will vote for her in November. To do otherwise would be a slap in the face of the nation and will ensure we have more years of Bush-like politics…
  • Since he’s already the presumptive nominee, the talk is now turning over who will be Sen. McBush’s running mate
  • Finally acting like they should, Sens. Obama and Clinton have decided to not attack each other on something and instead have focused their disagreements towards presumptive republican nominee Sen. John McBush…(About time you guys started getting it right…)
  • Another poll shows that the bickering between Obama and Clinton could hurt turnout in the general election… (that’s some might fine reporting there Lou CNN…)
  • Sen. Clinton’s donors have found themselves facing down one of the grassroots most powerful (and in my opinion sometime unethical) groups; MoveOn… (personally I truly hope the group doesn’t go republican on her and swiftboat her campaign, that kind of in-fighting is something we Democrats do NOT need right now…)
  • Speaking of pandering… Sen. Clinton said yesterday that she would have long ago distanced herself from the Rev. Jeremiah Wright if she had been a member of his church…(uh-huh, thanks for clearing that up Hillary…)
  • Sen. Obama said earlier this week that if Reverend Wright had not retired, he would have left the church because of the statements made by Wright… (stop pandering Barack, it doesn’t suit you…)
  • Despite her most-tried efforts, Sen. Clinton’s SerbiaGate just won’t go away… and rightfully so.
  • Obama-Bloomberg? Wasn’t that rumor going around weeks ago? Oh that’s right, it’s CNN…
  • Sen. Obama released his tax returns… still nothing from Sen. Clinton…
  • And have we mentioned? That Sen. Clinton’s personal approval rating has taken a staggering drop in recent weeks? Not only has her approval ratings fallen, but the amount of those that hold a negative view of her has skyrocketed. Her most recent approval rating was 48%, lowest since March 2001, and only 37% have a positive view of her, down from 45% two weeks ago…(I’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with her constant whining about Florida and Michigan or her ‘misspeaking’ on multiple occasions about Bosnia… it’s so hard to express sarcasm in the written form…)


Samuel M. said...

McCain is hardly Bush. Granted both of them are, or will be, very liberal Republicans but in totally different ways. And if Democrats are willing to vote for McCain if their candidate doesn't win, maybe that's for the best. That means it's not an ideology that leas the party, but rather a "my team is better than yours" mentality. And someone who votes with that mentality shouldn't be allowed to choose the next president.

Anonymous said...

If Hillary doesn't get the nomination, I will vote for McCain. The reason for that is that I haven't voted for a Democrat for I don't know how many years. She has personally helped to win me over to her beliefs and her capacity to lead our country.