Friday, March 21, 2008

The Friday Presidential Race ‘BushWhack’ing

Another week down, another week of Florida, Michigan and Ms. Clinton whining...

  • Sen. Obama gave a speech earlier this week that not only defined his candidacy, but also received props in conservative circles…he followed that up with a speech that not only railed against Bush, Sen. Clinton, Sen. McCain and Iraq… but took issue with all three of their foreign policies. (Obama has shown us a lot this week… with the Wright affair threatening to overtake his campaign, he responded with a calm and cool demeanor while also keeping pace on the issues. If he hasn’t shown you he’s ready to be CIC, then you just haven’t opened your eyes wide enough)
  • Two contractors were fired and another one was disciplined after it was discovered that they had looked into the passport files of Sen. Obama... an act that was reminiscent of a breach of Bill Clinton's passport information during the 1992 presidential campaign... (this is just sad and pathetic, and if it was ordered or even suggested by Clinton or McCain, they should both be penalized or charged...). Now word is coming that Secretary of State Rice is apologizing for the incident...

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