Saturday, March 01, 2008


From Times Online:

As Hillary’s presidential bid falters, are the Clintons turning to their daughter Chelsea to continue the White House dynasty. [...]

In a presidential campaign filled with surprises, Chelsea Clinton has sprung one of the most intriguing. She has emerged from the shadow of her famous parents to carve out her own political identity as both a devoted and persuasive surrogate for her mother; and – just maybe – as a dynasty’s next best hope. [...]

Yet what if Hillary fails? Will that be the end of the Clinton family’s remarkable presidential run? Or is America about to discover that a younger, prettier but potentially just as formidable Clinton is ready to pick up the baton?

We've seen what happens with two Bushes in the White House, are we ready for three two Clintons?

Stay tuned... if you dare...


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, you guys need to learn how to take a day off!!! You're supposed to be having fun!


Scott said...

Hi Honey, we were having fun. Sausage and politics....