Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Wednesday ‘BushWhack’ing


  • Fire in the OEOB
  • Sen. Clinton has recaptured her lead in New Hampshire… and by reading the CNN story, everyone else should pack-up and go home – the election is over…
  • With the Iowa caucuses getting closer and closer, the mudslinging campaign ads are in full swing with the latest coming from republican candidate Mitt Romney and a salvo towards Mike Huckabee. Saying Huckabee is soft on crime, Romney is puffing up his record on crime as governor of Massachusetts and criticizing Huckabee’s record on crime as governor of Arkansas… I would say more, but the two candidates are starting to blur together…
  • While speaking about his campaign strategy of visiting Iowa every day until thje caucus, Fred Thompson said yesterday; “… I’ve had my mojo the whole time.” (Ya know, sometimes the snark just writes itself…)
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin was named Time magazine’s 2007 “Person of the Year” for “taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability.” (Really? Stability?) Some of the runners-up include Al Gore, Gen. David Petraeus and J.K. Rowling… (talk about an incongruent group of people…)
  • A federal judge has ordered the Bush administration to appear in court Friday to answer allegations that it defied his demand to preserve evidence that could have included the destroyed CIA interrogation tapes, which the NY Times accuses former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales of being in on… stay tuned, Friday could be an interesting day…
  • And have we mentioned? That every sectarian and ethnic group in Iraq believe that the U.S. military invasion is the primary root of the violent differences among them? It’s true, they also see the departure of ‘occupying forces’ as the key to national reconciliation. (Um… correct me if I’m wrong, but there were violent differences between all the groups before the US-led invasion, so I don’t believe that for a moment. Sounds like someone is employing the ‘toddler defense’ of not taking accountability for their own actions… but of course, that’s just my opinion…)

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