Monday, December 10, 2007

Nicely done

As I sit here and ponder what could have been with a presidential run by Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI), take a gander at a letter he wrote to Attorney General Michael "Not yet an albatross" Mukasey. Wrote Feingold;

“During the hearing on your nomination to be Attorney General and in your answers to questions submitted for the record, you repeatedly refused to answer questions related to interrogation techniques on the grounds that you had not yet been briefed on the CIA’s interrogation and detention program. I was disappointed with these responses. […] Nonetheless, now that you have been sworn in as our nation’s Attorney General and presumably have been briefed on the program, I urge you to provide your views on its legality to Congress at the earliest possible date.”
Your turn Mr. Mukasey...

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