Thursday, June 07, 2007

Thursday ‘BushWhack’ing

  • Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK), currently under investigation for, well… we’ll call them ‘improprieties’ for now… has been told by the FBI to “preserve records” as the investigation into his political dealings widens… (Maybe he should take a cue from William Jefferson (D-LA) and put everything into a freezer…)
  • Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey is talking again… and this time Vice President Dick “President” Cheney is his subject… who wants odds that Cheney will ‘suddenly’ have to check into a hospital to have his pacemaker examined?
  • The immigration bill cleared a huge hurdle in the Senate… if you’re looking for my opinion on it… I don’t have one yet so stay tuned…
  • Remember that Turkish raid into Northern Iraq that everyone was talking about yesterday? Yeah… it looks as though it never actually, you know… happened… so let’s all forget about it… mmmmkay?
  • “President” Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin are scheduld to meet outside the official G-8 summit in a meeting that most believe will be very, how should I say it? Um…yeah… tense… personally, I don’t think ‘tense’ is strong enough to describe how the mood will be… but groin-grabbingly apprehensive doesn’t flow as well…
  • Satirical newspaper ‘The Onion’ has a hilarious “interview” with George Washington and his thoughts about the Iraq war. Check it out HERE.
  • And have we mentioned? That NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg (“R”) doesn’t hold back his opinions. He told his constituents to go about their business and stop worrying about the “threat” to blow up JFK airport, saying;
    “"There are lots of threats to you in the world. There's the threat of a heart attack for genetic reasons. You can't sit there and worry about everything. Get a life.”

1 comment:

Devra said...

I guess someone needs to remind Mayor Bloomburg that the thousands of people who died in connection to 9-11 didn't succomb to "heart attacks for genetic reasons."

Yes Mayor Bloomburg, New Yorkers are totally misguided to worry about a threat to JFK Airport. How silly. (sorry, I think I just dripped sarcasm all over the place. Where is my Swiffer?)

I dont' think it's a coincidence that the comment moderation feature includes "YYFU" as characters for this post!