Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The galloping vetoer strikes again

“President” Bush got out his veto crayon again and, once again, decided to ignore the will of the American people as he brushed back legislation that would have “eased restraints” on federally-funded embryonic stem cell research.

Bush tried to smooth things over with an executive order that intends to “encourage scientific advances in regenerative medicine.” The prolem with that, as the New York Times writes, is the effort is “largely symbolic” as there is “no money attached — and some scientists were instantly skeptical” of the order.

And with good cause…

White House spokesperson Tony “Job” Snow tried to placate the masses by stating;

“This is, certainly not an attempt to muzzle science. It is an attempt, I think, to respect people's conscience on such an issue.”
Not really there Skippy… 70% of the American people want this bill, but you seem to be more worried about… what exactly? The unborn? Sorry Georige, this bill had absolutely nothing to do with protecting the unborn because the embryos covered in this legislation were embryoes that were already scheduled to be destroyed… so this veto does absolutely nothing to prevent that so it seems that the veto is more about Bush guaranting that private industry will get the right to charge everyone an arm and a leg for the cures that they come up with through private funding of stem cell research…

Of course that’s just my opinion…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure, it's just your opinion...and a lot of other people's opinion, too. Thanks for nothing, Bush. Good thing you've put that veto power to such great use!