Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Weekly Rewind

Well this past week was a busy one. Not only was there the funeral for Mrs. King, but we also had many events, stupid comments, episodes of cranial-rectal inversion and just plain, what the hell were you thinking!

So without any further ado, I give you The Weekly Rewind.

Heckle: to V.P. Dick Cheney. Nice shooting Dick! Note to self, never, ever go hunting with the V.P. !

Applaud: to Senator John McCain (R-AZ). Word is that the Senator is starting to explore a possible run for the White House in 2008. We at TBWA respect the Senator and would welcome his name to the 2008 campaign field. Senator Barack Obama (another Senator we at TBWA respect) thinks differently.

Heckle: to D.H.S. Secretary Michael Chertoff. Not only did former FEMA Director Michael Brown state that talking to Chertoff was a “waste of time“, but a report to be released this week by House Investigators looking into the response failures surrounding Hurricane Katrina singles out Chertoff for blame. Heckuva job Mikey!!

Heckle: to the continuing saga of Jack Abramoff. Even with the release of photos, the President had said that he really didn’t know Jack (go ahead, word play with that statement is good!) Abramoff stated that in his meeting(s) with Bush, our dear old president joked with him about his children. Ooops !

Heckle: to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In a speech at the New School, James Hansen, NASA’s lead climate scientist stated that NOAA essentially has censor’s shadowing it’s scientists when they discuss findings with the media. I’m sorry I didn’t know that the Third Reich escaped 1940’s Europe and is now running the U.S. Government’s weather bureau of the 21st century. This has to be a bad dream right?

Heckle: to V.P. Dick Cheney (yes again). This time for suggesting that the NSA wiretapping program should be an election issue in the upcoming November congressional elections. Sorry Dick, but these are civil liberties we are talking about, not a school district referendum.

Applaud: to Rev. Joseph Lowery. During his remarks at the funeral for Coretta Scott King, the good reverend, in a slam dunk on the president, remarked that "We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there. But Coretta knew and we knew that there are weapons of misdirection right down here." Basically, for a time, the funeral turned into a 'Bush Bashing event'. All this while sitting right in front of the president and the first lady…..

Heckle: to being a lemming. “Scooter” Libby testified that his superiors at the White House had essentially order him to leak information to the press. One of these superiors was his former boss, Dick Cheney.

Heckle: to questionable contacts. Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), has disclosd his ties to Jack Abramoff and clients of the lobbyist. Sen. Reid has been an outspoken critic of the Republican ties to the lobbyist and is stating that all of his contacts were routine and regular and were in no way influened by donations that he received totalling nearly $68,000.

Applaud: to thwarting terrorism. Heckle: to distraction techniques. Earlier this week the president released details regarding the government stopping a '9/11 type attack' on the US Bank Tower in Los Angeles. The tallest building west of the Mississippi river. Ok, we all approve of stopping the terrorists, but is this supposed to make us 'feel better' about unchecked domestic spying?

There were many other things to heckle and applaud this past week. Instead of rehashing them all why not take a look at the our postings of last week as you scroll down this page. You will find insightful commentary and interesting rebuttal comments.

Until next week. Be Good, stay informed....later.

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