Is it the weekend yet?
- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was interviewed on NBC yesterday, and while he didn’t say anything that would make anyone with a brain have a knee-jerk reaction to attack them (notice I said ‘with a brain’), but he also didn’t say anything that would make people say; ‘Ah, all is well and I can now turn my bomb shelter into a discothèque…”
- Sen. McCain now supports a 16-month withdrawal timetable for US troops in Iraq but only if military brass said that “conditions on the ground” were safe enough… (so in true republican fashion, he announces his support for something, but puts parameters on it in case he has to backtrack in the future… good to know the man can stick by his guns)
- McCain says not to worry about this health…(Um… yeah, about that Mr. McCain... we are ABSOLUTELY going to worry/think about your health… you’re running for president of the United States, and to NOT consider your health would be a disservice… but don’t worry, we’re going to worry about Sen. Obama’s health as well. Though when McCain says things like this, it makes me think he’s hiding something… but he would never do that, right?)
- The hole that the EPA has dug for itself continues to get deeper and deeper… an EPA email made public yesterday advised employees to not answer questions from journalists, the GAO or even the agency's own inspector general… (the EPA is broken and politicized; plain and simple…and something needs to be done about it ASAP)
- The veepstakes continue…
- After the Bush(whacked) Administration released the record-breaking deficit numbers yesterday, both McCain and Obama slammed “President” Bush and then slammed each other… (Um, who wants to tell McCain that since he plans to continue Bush’s tax cuts and economic style that the deficit would probably go higher and higher if he wins?)
- Senate Democrats are working on a deal to break the stalemate over the Energy Bill… one of which is kowtowing to Bush and the republicans by granting them a vote on offshore drilling. (Why in God’s name are the Dems folding like origami with Bush??? He’s a lame-duck with approval ratings getting closer and closer to Nixonian levels… and yet they continue to kiss his ass… show some God damn gumption for heaven’s sakes…)
- And have we mentioned? That a new study by the Project on National Security Reform reports that the US security system is still broken? It’s true… and not at all surprising. First and foremost in the report is the fact that our agencies STILL have trouble working together … (how could our system be secure? Bush and his cronies have ignored it and concentrated on Iraq…all the while saying that Iraq had to deal with national security. Well, if it had… wouldn’t our nation’s security system be, I don’t know… secure?? Expect to read more about this later today…)
Apparently Stein just doesn't like Obama. To say that Rove is kind is unbelievable. These are the last days of the campaign and Caucasian men are running scared. They will lie, cheat and steal to make sure Obama doesn't get to be president. But he has all the black vote, all of the hispanic vote and some of the asian vote. He also, I believe, has many of the Hillary Clinton women. All of these groups have to keep their eye on the prize. This means that their group could have a candidate running in 4 to 8 years. But this will not happen is Obama is not president in November.
Be careful anonymous, you almost made a complete thought there.
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