Friday, July 11, 2008

Didn’t I already write about this today?

No, it just seems as though I did… but when you’re dealing with Sen. McCain, things likes this seem to come quick and steady.

Which segues nicely into Viagra as a political tidbit…

It all started when one of McCain’s potential VP picks, Carly Fiorina, was spinning for McCain when she said; “I've been hearing a lot about from women: There are many health insurance plans that will cover Viagra but won't cover birth control medication. Those women would like a choice.”

Naturally, as reporters do, someone asked McCain about Ms. Fiorina’s quote and responded; “I certainly don't want to discuss that issue.”

Apparently thinking the same thing I was – aren’t you supposed to be Mr. Straight Talker? – the reporter pressed the question and went further, reminding McCain that he voted against coverage of birth control and asking if that was still his position…

Mr. Straighttalker didn’t like that as there was a pause so long that another ice age would have started were it not for Global Warming.

After the longest pause ever recorded in national politics, McCain answered; “I don't recall that vote right now, but I'll be glad to take a look at it and get back to you.”

The reporter wasn’t buying it and pressed further on by reiterating what Ms. Fiorina had said, that, essentially, it was unfair that health insurance companies cover Viagra but not birth control… the reporter than asked McCain; “Do you have an opinion on that?”

Then came the squirming… you could see in McCain’s eyes that he was hoping a hole would swallow him, or better yet, the reporter…

It wasn’t to be… so after a pause that broke the record for the previously longest pause in national politics, set only seconds earlier, McCain answered with a non-committal, un-informed response; “I don't know enough about it to give you an informed answer…”

Wow…was that a great thing to see…

The vote was a mere five years ago… so if he’s forgotten what his stance was, it points to, as Kos himself says; “age-induced mental deficiencies.”

Perhaps McCain voted against the bill for other, possibly valid, reasons… but the fact that he can’t form an opinion on whether it’s fair or not to cover giving men erections but NOT unwanted pregnancies, is mind-boggling and feeds into another of my thoughts about McCain’s candidacy.

You know I’ve said (more specifically Scott gave me the line and told me to run with it) many, many times this week; “the more often Sen. McCain opens his mouth, the better… as it gives a chance for people to see what he is really all about”… but one also has to see the plethora of mis-cues, gaffes, etc from McCain this week and wonder aloud the same thing I wonder; I don’t think he’s physically or mentally up to the job of being president…

Keep that in mind now, tomorrow, and every day until November 4th…

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