Thursday, January 10, 2008

What's up with Iowa & New Hampshire?

I’m in my mid-thirties and, for as long as I can remember the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire Primary have always been the first salvo in the presidential campaign process.

As I grew older, started thinking for myself and got more interested in politics, I’ve often questioned the unwarranted amount of power that these states wield for both Democrats and republicans… after all; neither state is particularly representative of the rest of the US from a demographic, economic or political standpoint…

It is important to bear in mind that no state is uniform in its demographic or cultural makeup as every town, city, village in states that lean conservative have pockets of Liberalism and vice versa, but rather I am suggesting that these states are among some of the least representative of this country and, therefore, are an unfortunate choice for early presidential primaries.

Before on this blog I’ve postulated about a national primary…. but the more I think about that scenario, the more I become dissatisfied with that plan and instead think a regional primary system, one where each state is separated into 4 or 6 regions and each region votes on the same day, would be more beneficial…

But I also think that politics should stop at the waters edge… and I am not very confident, that the primacy of Iowa and New Hampshire in this process is likely to change in my lifetime.

But one can hope…

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