Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Less than 1 year

Let’s be honest… “President’ Bush does what he does and acts the way he acts because he can… he has the entire Executive Branch at his disposal with a Congress that is too scared and worried about re-election to do anything…

He can order people to testify or not testify according to his whims…

He can claim executive privilege for things that he shouldn’t be able to claim executive privilege for…

He can claim certain bits of information are classified... even if they have no legal recourse to be classified…

He can pardon anyone who admits to wrongdoing… wait, they’re republicans so let me rephrase that; He can pardon anyone who is found guilty of wrongdoing but stops short of admitting wrongdoing…

He can do all this because he is cloaked in the legitimacy and the executive privilege of the presidency… but as of this past Sunday, he only has one year left… well, now less than one year left; 363 days to be precise.

On January 20, 2009, at approximately twelve Noon Eastern time, the 44th president of the United States will be inaugurated… and if things go right, it will be a Democrat, and it will be a Democratic that has the majority not only in the House of Representatives, but the Senate as well…

What will be the first course of action?

With the utopian feelings we’ll be having finally being rid of Dubya, there will be the allure to simply turn the page and start rebuilding everything that Bush had destroyed in his eight years in power… but we must resist that and instead delve deeper into the abyss that WAS the Bush presidency… after all, there are a lot of things we want to know…

We have questions about FISA and the Patriot Act…

We have questions about Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay…

We have questions about how we got dragged into Iraq…

We have questions about Halliburton and Blackwater…

We have questions about VP Cheney and the National Energy Policy Development Group…

We have questions about FEMA and Hurricane Katrina….

We have questions about NCLB and Valerie Plame…
We. Have. Questions.

And for the past seven years, it has been nothing but subterfuge and slight of hand, and with Bush gone, the people that Bush had been protecting, who in turn were protecting him, won’t have the Seal of the Presidency to hide behind…

I'm a relatively patient man who can wait 365 364 363 days to find out… but then, you better watch it Georgie boy… because the hand of the law will be right above that smirk-laden, frat-boy head of yours.

Game. On.

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