Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Thursday ‘BushWhack’ing

It’s Thursday, the temperature is about 0 degrees Farenheit here in Chicago with some heavy wind. Speaking of heavy wind, how about some politics…

  • Obama and Clinton are still sniping at each other… I know, you’re shocked…
  • A package aimed at staving off the looming recession is imminent, and Democrats snagged a victory when it is was leaked that the package would not only cover those that have paid taxes, but those that don’t because they don’t earn enough. If the rumors hold true, individuals would receive a tax rebate check in the neighborhood of $800, while families could receive up to $1,600… (This is all fine and good, but may not be enough to stop the falling economy. Perhaps it would have been better to have started looking at ways to help the economy when it started circling the drain months ago… but that’s just me…)
  • In an attempt to reduce the stress on a force battered by more than six years at war, the US Army is considering a proposal that would cut cut soldiers’ battlefield tours from 15 months to 12 months starting this August, erasing Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ order to move to 15-month deployments a year ago. (Good news indeed… hopefully it comes to fruition…)
  • I know I mentioned this yesterday, but I don’t think I can say it enough. A new study by the Center for Public Integrity and the Fund for Independence in Journalism found that President Bush and his top officials issued 935 false statements about the threat from Iraq in the two years following 9/11? (I know; you’re shocked…) it seems, according to the report, that Bush himself led with “259 false statements” with 231 stressing weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and 28 about Iraq’s links to al Qaeda, both of which have been proven to be false…
  • A new Harris Poll shows that, days before “President” Bush gives his own State of the Union address on Monday, Americans are unhappy with the current state of the union with 81% believing that the current state of the country is “fair or poor” with 66% also saying that the Iraq war is “going poorly”…(and once again, more people are waking up to smell the ineptitude…)
  • And have we mentioned? That a chart that was put out by the House Democratic Caucus compares the state of the country when Bush took office to the state of the country today? It’s true, and as you can probably imagine; the differences are starkly staggering… click HERE to see it…

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