Monday, January 21, 2008

The Monday ‘BushWhack’ing

Another weekend has flown by… and with it, more primary and caucus results…

  • Let’s remember that today is the day we recognize the birth of one of the greatest people to ever live; Dr. Martin Luther King… let us never forget his message, and his dream…
  • Nevada held their caucus this past Saturday, with Sen. Clinton winning on the Democratic side (but still getting less delegates than Sen. Obama) and Romney winning the republican side… and Sen. McCain won the South Carolina gop primary. And with this, CNN is taxing their journalistic abilities by offering this ground-breaking headline; No clear party front-runners emerge (Thank you for that assessment Mr. Sherlock…)
  • South Carolina is the next primary stop for the Democrats… and Sen. Edwards is vowing to continue his quest
  • Florida is the next primary stop for the gop, and the whole kit and caboodle for Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani has long been pinning his presidential aspirations to Florida, so it’s safe to say if (and when in my opinion) he crashes and burns in Florida he will become the second big name to drop out of the race (I think Freddy is history this week). Stay tuned…
  • The South Carolina primary was hampered, not only by bad weather, but also by a plethora of voting issues ranging from the ever-popular “human error” to computer glitches... knowing this, I think the Dems should pay extra-special attention to thier primary this Saturday, lest we face the same fate...
  • Missed among the football and post-primary buzz yesterday was acknowledgement that yesterday was January 20, 2008… which means there is now, officially, less than a year until “President” Bush leaves office… try not to cry too much with happiness…
  • Rep. Duncan Hunter (r-CA) has dropped his presidential bid… I think you can all join me in asking; WHO??
  • And have we mentioned? That we have a joke? Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; its conditions are improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are a delusional spin from the liberal media. That light bulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effect. Why do you hate freedom?

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