Friday, December 02, 2005

The Other Side of the Shiny New Jobs Coin....

Ok, Bush is running around talking about how strong the economy is cause there were over 200,000 job created.....

However the unemployment rate stayed the same.....You know it occured to me that you never hear the corresponding number about how many jobs were lost/disolved, etc. in order to put the new ones in persepctive. How many people are just going along like 'lemmings' (thank you Kemp) thinking that everything is looking great cause they only hear what the admin tells them..??

According to the charts on the above linked site (run by the U.S. govmt itself), the number of persons unemployed grew by 149,000 in November as compared to October..... and the number of persons employed dropped by 52,000.......

Here's a wild idea, how about statistics not only talking about the number of jobs created, but also the number of jobs lost and the actual number difference of those people working or not working compared to the prior month. ??

Once again it's look at the shiny object in the right hand and pay no attention to the crap in my left....

Or am I just making this too simple..?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also remember that the official unemployment numbers only measure those on unemployment rolls - those who do not qualify, those who do not file, and those who have been unemployed for so long that they no longer qualify for benetifs are not included in those numbers.

One more thing - there's no qualitative analysis in those numbers. That means that a $50,000/year manufacturing job lost (yes, they once existed) and a minum wage retail job created "net out" to no jobs lost.

Sad. Yesterday I saw a CNN story headlined with the following: Are ordinary Americans benefitting from the economic boom?

I think that speaks for itself.