Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Welcome to the club, we've got jackets

Close to a year ago, WaPo columnist David Broder wrote a column in which he stated that “President” Bush – who was enjoying sub-30 approval ratings at the time and had just seen his party get kicked in the ass during the 2006 midterms – was “poised for a political comeback”… something that earned him a Weekly Rewind Heckle from yours truly.

Over the past year he has refused to admit he was wrong…

Until now.

In an online chat today, Broder finally renounced his column and said that that belief was “certainly one of my less astute observations.

That’s putting it mildly Mr. Broder…

Bush’s comeback hasn’t happened and, more than likely, won’t happen before January 20, 2009 when Bush leaves office… and Mr. Broder has finally realized this.

Welcome to the self-evident point that millions of us knew months, nay, years ago…

Now, if only we could get that 19% that still approve of his job performance to see this, things in this country will start getting better…

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