Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Tuesday ‘BushWhack’ing

It’s Super Fat Tuesday… as Scott and I have reminded you a couple of times today; get off your ass and go vote…

  • Who will win Super Fat Tuesday? Obama? Clinton? The Democrats are in a statistical dead heat across the countryMcCain? Romney? Huckabee? Stay tuned…
  • Voters in 24 states head to the polls today in what is now the “biggest primary day in U.S. history” with 1,681 Democratic delegates at stake… but with the Democrat’s use of proportional representation it’s unlikely, unless there’s a rout, that a front-runner will emerge when all is said and done…
  • If you’re one of those politicos that likes to stay up late and watch the results filter in, you may be up for a late night. Polls don’t close in California until 8 pm, which means folks in the Midwest and East Coast will have to stay up until 10 or 11 p.m. just to see some results… (It’s Fat Tuesday, so drink a LOT of coffee and eat a lot and you’ll be fine…)
  • We all know that “President” submitted his historical (and not in a good way) budget yesterday, and as more experts peruse it, we’re starting to get more of an idea that he cares about nothing but Iraq. Case in point, his budget would slash funding for the EPA by “$330 million from fiscal 2008 to $7.1 billion.” The budget proposal also calls for an “overall decrease of almost $600 million from EPA spending” in 2007 along with the elimination of five EPA programs… (Not a surprise… Bush has long had a disdain for the environment, and I am sure the feeling is mutual… but to destruct it his much is overkill, even for him…)
  • Bob Dole aint’ happy with Rush Limbaugh… and to express his ire, Dole sent a letter to Rush Limbaugh defending, but not endorsing, John McCain, whom Limbaugh has been slamming McCain for a few days now saying he’s not conservative enough to be the gop nominee. Having apparently heard enough, Dole sent off the letter in which he compares McCain's Senate record to former Sen. Jesse Helms… which I, personally, don’t see… but I, personally, love seeing conservatives argue amongst themselves, it can only help us in November… so keep it up Rush…
  • And have we mentioned? That Sen. Clinton cried again… the day before a HUGE primary… though I’m sure it was just mere coincidence…

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