Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Time to act


We made huge in-roads last November… winning control of the House and (more or less) the Senate…

The euphoria was heartwarming and enjoyable…

It was

Now we’re back to doing things half-assed.

The Democrats had big plans when they were running for and winning a plethora of House and Senate seats last year. But now, nearly four months later… the Democrats are back to acting like the unorganized and uninspiring Dems of yore…

Sniping at each other, ignoring what the public wants, kow-towing to the administration, putting egos ahead of what needs to be done…

We all heard about the ambitious plans to change the wrongs that Bush and the republicans had imposed… we heard about the big change to limit President Bush's war authority and force a change of course in Iraq…

Now… all of these plans have seemingly fallen apart amid intra-party disagreement over how quick and aggressive the Dems should be acting.

This is pathetic.

Winning last November doesn’t do any good if we don’t get something done and get it done soon…

Scott and I have said it before… all the talk is fine and good, but it doesn’t mean a god damn thing if we don’t act on it and do something…

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