Thursday, August 17, 2006

Joke of the Day

Which, as usual, comes at the expense of republicans...

"My father was a Democrat, and my grandfather was a Democrat, and that's why I'm a Democrat."

"Why, that's no argument at all. If your father was a swindler, and your grandfather was a swindler, would that make you a swindler also?"

"No... that would make me a republican."

Thank you, I'm here all week... try the veal, it's lonely...


Anonymous said...

Such hate will get you nowhere. Take Ohio for example. Hate backfired. Good will always overcome evil (Hate). What the far left and right miss is all those hard working citizens in the middle. Good will always overcome far left and right hate.

Anonymous said...

This is in reply to the mental flyweight who is part and parcel of the HATE agenda of the Republicans and actually thought they could slide this by pretending to be a normal person and not part of the Republican juggernaut of bullying: Go to ANY Republican site and view the venom and constant lying. Go to ANY local newspaper in a Republican area where a letter to the editor tells the unabashed truth and what happens? Character assassination and yet more lying. Give it up. How can you expect people of good character and real conscience to respect dishonor and support abuse of every real principle this country was founded upon? Truth Is Now More Anonymous

Anonymous said...

If we learned anything from the Republicans during the Clinton years , it was that hate toward the sitting president was not only acceptable , but patriotic . I am amazed that they are now perplexed at the public expressions of disgust and hate directed at their Messiah .